My first time
Blogging of course. Yesterday was my first day in the world of blogging. I set it up Wednesday night, and by Thursday morning had my first comment! (ok, so my excitement may have exceeded the event, but still . . .) I emailed the big news to my mom and one of my friends, both of whom were more "parade rainer" than cheerleader. My friend said, "I read your stuff on the blog site (or does one just say 'the blog'?)" Thank goodness he's a good dancer.
When I told my girlfriends at bookclub about it last night, they listened politely for what I'm sure seemed like an hour to my excited explanations about "blogging" and then all burst into laughter and said, almost in unison, "you are SUCH a geek!" Could be.
Late last night I tried to add some html code to my blog, and completely screwed it up apparently because I lost the entire thing! poof - gone! My precious first comment (sorry DW!), my first blog musings, everything! So I'm starting over with Blog2 a little humbled, a little wiser, and still without that dang html code. Any ideas?
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